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Duty Paid Promo Terms and Conditions

Delhi Airport’s Promotion – BUY MORE SAVE MORE

By participating in the Delhi Airport’s Buy More Save More Promotion (the “Promotion”) at Indira Gandhi International Airport (“IGI Airport”), organised by Delhi International Airport Limited (“DIAL”) in collaboration with its authorized partners/vendors, you are deemed to have accepted the terms and conditions listed below, which may be revised from time to time by DIAL, and you understand and agree that you are bound by such terms and conditions.

DIAL reserves the right to change/modify/alter these terms and conditions at any time without any obligation to inform you and it is your responsibility to make yourself aware of such changes/modifications/alterations. All intellectual property rights including, but not limited to, copyright, trademark, etc. in this website, are owned by DIAL. Any use of this website or its contents, including, but not limited to, copying or storing it in whole or part without prior permission of DIAL is strictly prohibited and is liable to legal actions.

  1. Retail Duty Paid Promotion – General Conditions
    1. 1.1) Delhi Airport’s ‘Buy More Save More’ Promotion includes Flat 15% off applicable on all purchases of Rs. 3,500 (Net Price + GST) or above done during the promo period. Maximum discount is capped at Rs. 2,000.
    2. 1.2) The discount amount will be calculated and deducted against the Net/Base value (Bill value excluding GST) of the item/s purchased.
    3. 1.3) The above discount amount to be passed as DIAL tender “DIAL Promo” (payment mode).
    4. 1.4) Promo will be applicable on all Retail Stores at Departures (Domestic + International) excluding alcohol and cigarette category and electronic category stores.
    5. 1.5) The discount amount to be passed in DIAL tender “DIAL Promo” (payment mode). This tendered amount will be considered in Total Net Sales of the store and DIAL revenue share will be applicable on this. The revenue share payable to DIAL shall be calculated on the total value (without deducting the discount amount of DIAL Promotion).
    6. 1.6) The Promotional Discount may be extended, cancelled, discontinued, amended, withdrawn, terminated or altered by DIAL at any time without any prior notice and without assigning any reason.
    7. 1.7) The discount provided under this Promotional Discount is over and above any other discounts, if any, provided by the concessionaire of the redeeming outlet.
    8. 1.8) Promotion valid at operational outlets only.
  2. Liability
    1. 2.1) In no event shall, DIAL or the concessionaire(s) of the participating outlet(s) be liable for any injury, loss, claim, damage, direct or otherwise, including any consequential, special, exemplary, punitive, indirect or incidental damages of any kind (including, but not limited to loss of profits, revenue or savings), or any cost or expense, whether based in contract, tort, warranty, strict liability or otherwise, which arises out of or is in any way connected with the Promotion.
    2. 2.2) Delhi International Airport Limited (DIAL) or the concessionaire(s) of outlet(s) will not be liable for any claims on account of non-issuance/ non-redemption of discount voucher(s) on account of technical issues, if any.
    3. 2.3) DIAL reserves the right to withdraw/ suspend/ amend/ extend/ cancel/ discontinue or alter at any time the terms of the Promotion, without any prior notice and without assigning any reason thereof.
    4. 2.4) The Courts at New Delhi shall have exclusive jurisdiction to in relation to any dispute arising from the Promotion or any other aspects in relation thereto.
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