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Airport Qulaity


The Quality Efforts & Effects at the airport are spearheaded by a small group of professionals who have organized themselves in the form of a ‘Quality & Service Delivery’ (QSD) function at IGIA. The prime responsibility of QSD is to ascertain and deliver on superior service as per the standards of the airport administration. The department has been responsible for identifying quality gaps, providing solutions, doing process audits and overall quality control at the airport. There are three verticals under the QSD umbrella; Operational & Process Excellence Service Excellence Business Excellence

Quality culture at IGIA revolves around 3 P’s: People, Product/Service and Process. There are well-defined quality practices for all three aspects. In people IGIA values its employees and provides opportunities to enhance their skill base through competency gap analysis, trainings, job rotations and strong employee engagement. The 2nd P i.e. Product or in our case Service plays a key role in sustainable organizational success. This is part of our Operational Excellence drive which ensures that our services are par with best in class airports and this is reflected through consistently good ratings by passengers on an ACI led Airport Service Quality Program. Process Excellence at IGIA takes care of third P – Process. All work systems the airport ecosystem are established, implemented, monitored and improved through a strong process management, easy process document sign-off, education, SLAs, OLAs, effective and efficient KPI tracking and through regular process audits and assessments.

To establish a total quality culture at IGI Airport, IGIA incorporated a dedicated Quality function in 2006. It has been responsible for identifying quality gaps, providing solutions, doing process audits and overall quality control at the airport. Quality has institutionalized in the form of CIP culture, 5S, KAIZEN – first of its kind in airport environment in India. Under the function we have 3 verticals viz., Operational & Process Excellence (DIALean, Infrastructure audit – wandering about audit, CIP, KAIZEN, 5S, Autonomous Maintenance, ISO, Process Studies, Theory of Constraints, Idea Factory), Service Excellence (Airport Service Quality, Customer Response Management), Business Excellence(lead ‘Change Management’ intervention to embrace Malcolm & Baldrige Business Excellence Model, Drive Strategic Initiative of Building a Customer Focused Organization, Knowledge Management)

The operation and process excellence is driven by 5S: 5S is the name of a workplace organization method that uses a list of five Japanese words: seiri(sorting), seiton(set in order), seiso(Shine), seiketsu(Standardize), and shitsuke(Sustain); Kaizen: Kaizen refers Japanese word for "Continuous improvement" or "change for the best", The key elements of Kaizen include: making a task simpler and easier to eliminate the process Muda’s (Waste) and to enhance the efficiency of the work process

  1. Autonomous Maintenance: suggests Maintenance by Self (Operator/user/owner), which improves the Sense of Ownership among the operator and maintenance people to accomplish a common goal
  2. WAA: Wandering about Audit is the Audit conducted every week , where the team consisting of QSD, Safety, P& E and an Auditee look for Observations related to S (Statutory, Safety), A (Aesthetic, Ambience), F (Function, Fit, Feel), E (Energy, Environment) thus making IGIA a SAFE Airport.
  3. Routine Organized Work (ROW):ROW is an integrated and holistic approach focused on retaining and improving performance of a company on Quality, Cost and Delivery
  4. Customer Centric Culture: As the Basic Principle of Lean is Customer Centric Culture and we focus very high on all our Customers
  5. Safety: signifies the condition of being protected from failure, damage, error, accidents orharm
Process Excellence

To check the health of critical passenger interfacing processes at airport, the Process Excellence Vertical do periodic process efficacy studies as per statistical validated sample size. The reports of such audits are utilized to further improve the processes at airport

ISO Audit: Various ISO/Non ISO systems' periodic audits, independent assessments & compliance checks by regulatory authorities carried out in planned manner. Outcomes of all these processes & other similar inputs form basis for improvement projects commensurate with the priority

Idea Factory: Idea Factory is an on-line interface facilitating the employees to think out of the box ideas and help in improving overall quality of services at the airport.

Business Excellence: Recognizing the fact that Quality is a journey and not a destination, our Company is focusing on the journey of Business Excellence which is based on the Malcolm & Baldrige Business Excellence Principles. We are on the verge of joining the ‘INDUSTRY LEADER’ band as per their criteria. GBEM in IGIA is being followed since 2010.

Building a Customer Focused Organization: IGIA’s one of the key Strategic Initiative is ‘Building a Customer Focused Organization’. We understand the importance and value the Voice of Customer brings to make certain that all our customers includingInternal, Intermediate and External are aligned. Various Initiatives are taken under this drive such as trainings , Customer platforms and surveys.

Knowledge Management: IGIA has well organized mechanisms to enable knowledge sharing, capturing & reusing that which is tangible & intangible within the organization. The various mechanisms of Knowledge Sharing are Case Studies, Knowledge Sharing Sessions, & a well-developed portal (GMRKonnect).

IGIA follows GBEM (GMR Business Excellence Model), based on Malcolm Baldrige Business Excellence National Quality Award Criteria, which has 6 Enabler Process criteria & respective results criteria each Incorporates an Excellence .Recognizing the fact that Quality is a journey and not a destination, our Company is focusing on the journey of Business Excellence which is based on the Malcolm & Baldrige Business Excellence Principles. We are on the verge of joining the ‘INDUSTRY LEADER’ band as per their criteria. GBEM in IGIA is being followed since 2010. It is a requirement for all departments to follow this excellence model.

Building a Customer Focused Organization: DIAL’s one of the key Strategic Initiative is ‘Building a Customer Focused Organization’. We understand the importance and value the Voice of Customer hence this initiative makes sure that all the Customers (Internal, Intermediate and External) are aligned. Various Initiatives are taken under this drive such as trainings , Customer platforms , surveys and many more.

Knowledge Management: IGIA has well organized mechanisms to enable tacit knowledge sharing, capturing & reuse which are tangible & intangible within the organization. The various mechanisms of Knowledge Sharing are Case Study, Knowledge Sharing Session, Communities & a well-developed portal (GMRKonnect).

Airport Service Quality: This survey ensures that our services are at par with best in class airports and this is reflected in our consistently good ratings by passengers in an ACI led Airport Service Quality Program

Indira Gandhi International Airport ranked # 1 in ACI-ASQ Awards 2014 (25 – 40 million passengers per annum category)

2006 : Delhi International Airport Ltd takes over operations at Indira Gandhi International Airport. ASQ Score: 3.02 on 5 point scale.

2007: It Delhi International Airport Ltd was ranked # 101 out of 125 participating airports. With streamlining of operations being the main focus, the score improved to 3.15 in 2008 however the rank slipped to # 124 out of 127 participating airports pushing it to amongst bottom 10.

2008: The Senior Leadership at IGIA (Delhi International Airport Ltd embarked upon an ambitious program, “Turning Sand into Gold”, setting for itself a mammoth task of achieving, then impossible-looking, Vision of: To be amongst TOP 10 Airports of the World by 2011. DISHA (IGIA IGIA’s Service & Hospitality Academy) was setup & entrusted the responsibility of spearheading service centric culture at IGI Airport.

Constant focus & direction from Senior Management, DISHA’s slow but steady permeation into IGIA Community & of course the advent of brand new Terminal 1D over & above the other refurbished terminals saw IGIA making its first footstep on the Global aviation map.

2009 : Delhi International Airport Ltd was adjudged 4th Best Airport in the category 15 – 25 million & received its first award for Asia Pacific regions’ Most Improved Airport- this was perhaps first, though a baby step towards realizing the vision of 10/20/11.

With unified efforts, zeal & enthusiasm of the cohesive IGIA community, relentless Support & Direction from IGIA Leadership and most importantly with addition of the jewel in its Crown in form of Terminal 3, IGI Airport continued its award winning extravaganza further.

2010 : ACI Director General’s Special Service Quality Award ;

2011, 12 & 13 - 2nd Best Airport in its category 25 to 40 million.

Importantly enough, IGI Airport had a major breakthrough in 2011 when it was ranked # 6, not only establishing its firm footprint in the league of GLOBAL TOP 10 AIRPORTS but more than realizing its 2008 vision of 10/20/11.

With the law of diminishing returns naturally playing its prominence, the ASQ Improvement Committee thought through innovatively to bring in continuous improvement in both its strategy & tactics. ASQ Forums, SCM members rotating leadership in every quarter to drive ASQ efforts & most importantly huge passenger engagement interventions, all paid the dividends when ACI announced on 16th February 2015 that IGI Airport has been ranked #1in its category of 25-40 million

  • Indira Gandhi International Airport (IGIA) has been adjudged the worlds’ 1st best Airport in 25-40 million passengers per annum category in the Airport Service Quality (ASQ) awards given by the Airports Council International (ACI) for 2014.
  • IGIA wins twin accolades at Skytrax World Airport Awards 2015 - - The Best Airport in the World-by region (Central Asia/India) and Best Airport Staff-Central Asia/India.
  • Delhi International Airport Limited (IGIA) wins the most prestigious ‘Golden Peacock National Quality Award’ for 2015 for their concerted efforts in building a culture of Total Quality across IGI Airport.
  • IGIA is to be inducted in to the elite group in Airports Council International (ACI) Director General’s Roll of Excellence 2015. This honour distinguishes those airports which, in the opinion of the passengers have participated in ACI’s Airport Service Quality (ASQ) Surveys, and have consistently delivered excellence in customer service. To qualify for inclusion in the Director General’s Roll of Excellence, an airport must have been ranked on the ASQ Survey in the top five airports by size or region for five of the last six years. Since 2011, 27 airports have been inducted into the Roll of Excellence. IGIA consistently succeeded in maintaining the ratings in top five club for the last six years and top two since 2011 before acquiring the coveted World #1 category rank in 2014.
  • IGIA has won the 1st Prize in Service Sector in “ CII – 5S Excellence Awards- 2014”, organized by Confederation of Indian industries (CII) – Northern region
  • IGIA won a number of awards at 16th National Summit by the Indian National Suggestion Schemes’ Association (INSSAN), Northern India Chapter, between 22nd & 23rd August, 2014.The Theme for the Summit was “Employee Creativity for Growth in Turbulent Business Environment”.
  • IGIA was felicitated with a special award “INSSAN Excellence Award for promoting creativity for Continuous improvement”.
  • IGIA has won 2nd Prize in the KAIZEN Competition (Large Industries) under the Category of Safety/5S/Morale in the “7th National Cluster Summit”, organized by The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) – Avantha Centre of Excellence on 29th - 30th October, 2014 in New Delhi.
Be the “Change Agent” in making IGIA Best-in-Class airport for the success at market place by

  • Spearheading culture of excellence within IGIA & its eco-system
  • Through its transformation into a customer focused, process driven, team working, dynamic and learning entity
  • Leveraging on ideation/ innovation.
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